Linda Guide

I'm working on a GameFAQS-style guide for the video game Linda Cubed Again. I intend to post this guide on GameFAQs once it reaches a usable state, but in case GameFAQs goes down, I intend to mirror the guide here (and elsewhere) so that it doesn't become lost media.

I may build this site out into a proper HTML guide as well (with images and hyperlink navigation and stuff) and keep the .txt version for posterity, but for now the .txt version is the main focus.

Linda Cubed Again Guide (PSX, 1997) v0.01

This is a walkthrough, guide, FAQ, and reference source for the video game Linda Cubed. Both Linda Cubed and Linda Cubed Again were never released outside of Japan. However, although the game has had some visibility outside of Japan due to Let's Plays of the game by people who speak Japanese, the accessibility of the game in English-speaking countries was increased significantly in 2024 when an English patch of the game was released by [TODO: Credit the patch authors].

Linda Cubed Again is already fairly obscure to begin with (to my knowledge, it has not even seen a re-release in Japan), and the game itself can be fairly obtuse, with a lot of peculiar and unexplained secrets and qualities. For these reasons, there aren't many in-depth English guides for this game (to my knowledge, anyway).

So I decided to create one, for the sake of anyone else who might be playing this strange and unusual game, and either needs some assistance completing it, or wants to spend some time digging into its more peculiar aspects.



I. Introduction / What Is Linda Cubed?
II. The Basics
III. Walkthrough
 A. Scenario A
 B. Scenario B
 C. Scenario C
 D. Scenario D
IV. Locations
V. Shops
VI. Items
VII. Animals
VIII. Special Thanks


I. Introduction / What IS Linda Cubed?

Linda Cubed Again is a video game released for the PS1 in 1997. It is a remake of the video game Linda Cubed, which was released in 1995 for the PC Engine CD. The game contains three different scenarios (technically, four), wach with different stories and gameplay variations. However, all scenarios have the same basic premise...

The game is set on a planet called Neo-Kenya, a colony of Earth that has been established after the destruction of the original Earth. Now, a meteor referred to as the Grim Reaper is heading towards Neo-Kenya, and will destroy it in a few years' time. At the same time, a giant spaceship known as the Astro Ark has mysteriously handed on the surface of Neo-Kenya, along with a stone tablet from God commanding humanity to select one human male and female as pilots for the Ark, who will fill it with a male and female specimen of each animal species on Neo-Kenya. The two humans who have volunteered for this task are the protagonist, Ken, and his childhood friend and love interest, Linda.

The gameplay of Linda Cubed Again can be roughly described as an open-world JRPG. The player's main objective is to capture and register a certain number of animals onto the Astro Ark before the time limit (i.e. when the meteor strikes). You do so by exploring a series of towns and dungeons, battling and capturing animals (and other dangerous creatures) in turn-based combat. By winning battles, you gain experience; by gaining experience, you level up, which increases your stats and unlocks new abilities. By earning money, you can buy items, equipment, and other resources to make your journey easier and safer.

Linda's gameplay has a few wrinkles on the traditional JRPG formula. Some of those include:

- As mentioned earlier, the game is fairly open-world. Although each scenario has an overarching story (outside the base objective of capturing a certain number of animals), most of the game world is open to the player from the outset of the game, outside of a few scenario-specific restrictions. This makes it very easy to accidentally wander into an area that is far too difficult for you, but also allows for a great deal of freedom in plotting your strategy for completing the game's objectives.

- The first-person turn-based combat is fairly similar to something like Persona or Dragon Quest. However, the battlefield is a plus-sized grid of five squares, with the player's party in the middle square and the enemies occupying the four squares surrounding it, with each of the squares representing the terrain the player was in before the battle started. When a player attacks creatures on a certain square, they turn to face that square, leaving them vulnerable on other squares. This adds some extra considerations for combat, where the enemy positions must be considered carefully relative to the player characters.

- Enemy HP values are displayed in combat, but they're a little bit misleading. If an enemy's HP is completely depleted, they will be captured, but they will also be captured if their HP is very nearly completed (TODO: figure out exactly what the exact amount is. It seems to be something like 5% or 10% of their max HP). However, if a monster takes TOO much damage, they will be killed rather than captured (TODO: also figure out what this threshold is). While this doesn't matter too much at the beginning of the game, trying to capture weaker monsters near the mid- to late-game that you missed earlier can be very tricky.

- All of your weapons and armor are made from the animals you capture (specifically, male animals are used for weapons while female animals are used for armor), and different weapons/armor have different stats, bonuses, and penalties based on the type of animals they're created from. Animals can also be turned into meat (for health restoration), gutted for the possibility of finding rare treasures, sold for money (which is often necessary since you don't get money directly from winning combat encounters like many other JRPGs), and many other things. In a sense, animals are like a "currency" of sorts, one that can and often must be used in various ways (similar to souls in the Dark Souls series).

- In the fiction, Ken and Linda have a certain number of years to complete the game's main objective of capturing two of each animal. This is not a scripted storyline time limit; the game itself has an actual in-game timer that counts down as you perform specific actions (most commonly, while exploring caves and the overworld; time doesn't pass in towns... I think). This means that the player needs to be thoughtful about how they use their time exploring the world.

All of this makes Linda a fairly complex game to play.


II. The Basics

A. Exploration
The game's overworld exploration is fairly similar to other JRPGs. The map features a variety of location types, mostly towns and caves, and the player enters one of these locations by walking into it on the world map.

A few wrinkles to overworld exploration:
1. The player can run on the world map. However, doing so will slowly deplete the health of all player characters.
2. The player moves more slowly through Some types of terrain (even when running), such as deserts and bodies of water.
3. Time passes while exploring on the overworld.

Unlike many other JRPGs, all animals on the overworld (as well as most creatures in dungeons) appear on the map as physical sprites; there are very few random battles in Linda.

While on the overworld (or in hostile areas, such as cave), the player can Camp. When the player Camps, they can have Linda, Ken, and their animals (see Combat) perform one of a variety of actions. Those actions are:

- Rest: The character rests. Resting recovers HP. However, note that there is a possibility of animals ambushing while the player Camps, which initiates a combat encounter. Any character who is Resting during an ambush will be asleep during the start of the ambush (TODO: figure out if this is always the case, or if there are stats/abilities that affect this).
- Watch: The character keeps an eye out for animals. (TODO: Figure out exactly what Watch does. I know any character who is Watching will be awake if there is an animal ambush. However, I have also read that Watching INCREASES the chance of an animal ambush.)
- TODO: Add the other ones here.

B. Combat
As mentioned earlier, combat takes place on a plus-shaped grid of five squares. The player is in the middle square, and enemies can occupy any one of the surrounding four squares. Some animals can also move between squares.

During combat, the player characters have the following options:
- Fight: The character attacks an enemy.
- Skill: The character uses a special skill.
- Morph: The character transforms into one of their Morphs (TODO: figure out where to put the Morph section).
- Item: The character uses an item from the item bag.
- Flee: The character runs away. (Note that in order to run away, one of the surrounding squares must not be occupied by animals. If all four squares are occupied, the character cannot run.)
C. Towns
Towns are generally safe zones with no combat (though there are exceptions, usually due to story events or scenario-specific conditions). Time also does not pass in towns. (TODO: confirm if true.)

Not all towns are created equal. Some towns have more amenities than others. However, across most towns, players can do the following:

- Buy equipment and items
- Turn animals into equipment or meat
- Butcher animals for possible treasures
- Rest at a hotel
- Gather information and have drinks at the bar
- Train dogs and other animals as companions
- Heal dogs and animals who are injured


III. Walkthrough

A. Scenario A: MERRY XMAS


This scenario begins with the protagonist, Ken, eating breakfast in his home while his mother, [TODO: get mom's name], scolds him for being late for Ranger HQ. In this conversation, we learn that Ken's father has been dead for some time, and we also learn that Ken has decided to volunteer for the Astro Ark. We also witness a scene of Ben (the Ranger Captain) seemingly flirting with Ken's mom over the phone.

Before doing anything else, I recommend hitting the Select button to a faster setting (I use TRBO). There's nothing else to do in the house for now, but note that you can use the phone in the kitchen, to the left of the sink. Using the phone, you can do a few things:

- Save the game
- Check voicemail
- Deposit/withdraw from the bank, or check your bank balance
- Check the weather forecast
- Call the lottery number (TODO: Find out what this does. can you buy tickets or check numbers?)
- Call the psychic hotline (lol)
You can perform these functions at any phone, so knowing what you can do now will help you along the way later. (TODO: Consider moving this section to a more general section than the beginning of the walkthrough.)

Anyway, head outside. The Ranger HQ is indeed the large building immediately south of Ken's house (it has the word "Ranger" above the door), but before heading in, there should be a little girl walking around outside Ken's house (sometimes she wanders closer to the building with the "DOG" sign). She'll ask you to take care of her dog, since her family is moving. If you say yes, she'll give you her dog, who you can use as a combat companion. Getting this dog will help your animal hunting in the early game a lot. (If you say no, you can ask her again and she'll let you say yes.)

Once that's done, head into the Ranger HQ and head upstairs. In the northwest, there's a briefing room with a bunch of soldiers in it. Shortly after you enter, the captain will ask you if you want a briefing; say Yes to trigger an animated cutscene explaining the game's backstory. Then press the Circle button to volunteer to pilot the Astro Ark.

Once the dialogue is done, head downstairs. Linda will appear shortly afterwards, and a cutscene will play, during and after which Linda will ask you to reach LVL 3. Linda will then leave, and then Linda's mother will have a conversation with you afterward. Since we will need to actually reach LVL 3 to progress the story, we should do that as soon as we can... but first, we need to register as a pilot on the Astro-Ark, so let's do that first


You start the game with 100G. However, at this point in the game, there isn't really much worth buying, so feel free to leave the town. When you do, you will be interrupted by a masked Santa, with a haircut (and voice) suspiciously similar to Ken's, who gives you a Santa-gram from Linda saying to "Meet me in Room 102". (This will be relevant (much) later, but you won't need to remember it.) Now you can leave.

Once you walk outside, you'll see the Astro-Ark immediately to your south on the world map (it's the enormous wooden ship; you can't miss it). Head here and head inside through the door immediately in front of you.

The rooms in the Astro-Ark all look almost identical, so navigate them by their position. The room immediately in front of you in the Astro-Ark is an important room; it's the Animal Registry room, where you register the animals you capture onto the Ark. You don't need to go here yet, but it's important to know that it's here. The room immediately to the left of this one is the Pilot Registration room; enter this room. There are two large round pods; enter the one on the left to register as the male pilot of the Astro Ark.

There's nothing else we need to do here now, so we can leave and start leveling up.


On the way out of the Astro Ark, one of the other Rangers will remind you that Linda lives in the town of Minago, which is in sector Q-14, and also warns you about two animals in the area: Squirrels and Ostriches. Another common creature in this area is Pigs. But before we start hunting animals, we want to make a quick detour.

Leave the Astro Ark, and head due North. Eventually you should reach a body of water surrounding a town called OzPort. Head inside, and note the large flower bed that says "WELCOME NEOKENYA". North from this flower bed is a large staircase, and between the staircase and the building directly East of it, there's a small gap that you can walk through. Walk into this alley and you'll enter a secret room that has a Dog Blade. Equip it; as you'll see, it's a lot better than your Squirrel Needle. (You may still want to keep your Squirrel Needle around for later, though.)

Now that you've gotten the Dog blade, it's time to capture some animals. While walking between OzPort and Hardia, you should inevitably see some Pigs, Ostriches, and Squirrels. Most creatures won't give you a hard time, especially now that you've got the Dog Blade (though the Squirrels can attack in packs of as many as 10 at a time, which can get a bit harrowing).

I recommend capturing at least one male and female of these three species, and registering them to the Ark to increase Ken and Linda's stats. Afterward, keep battling until you reach LVL 3 or higher. If you get low on HP, return to Hardia and turn either the Pigs or the Squirrels into meat (sell the Ostriches; they're more valuable to sell, and their meat isn't any better).

Once you've reached LVL 3, head East of the Astro Ark and a little bit south. You should reach the town of Minago. Shortly after you get there, you should get a call from the Captain, telling you to get to the town of Hospico immediately. You might as well, because as you'll find out if you poke around a little bit here, there's nothing to do in Minago.


You can see Hospico on your map, which you can pull up with the Square button on the overworld, but if you need more precise direction on how to get to Hospico from Minago: when you leave the town, head directly Northeast. Along the mountain wall, there should be a door to a tunnel that takes you to the other side of the mountains. From here, head East and a little South (sector V-13), and you should see Hospico surrounded on all sides by water.

Once here, head straight north and into the building immediately in front of you. Continue heading north out of the back door of the building, and head north into the next building. Head up the stairs right near the door; then talk to the old man directly in front of where you're facing (the one blocking the hospital room). You'll find out that Linda has amnesia, and doesn't remember who you are.

Bummer. Anyway, Linda will ask you to come visit her again. Talk to the doctor outside the room, and he'll mention there is a rare drug that can cure amnesia, and will also suggest you make weapons out of Crabs.

Before you leave, talk to the nurse inside the room next to Linda's room (the one with all the babies). I wonder why this seemingly-random nurse has a name, a character portrait, and voiced dialogue lines? Interesting. Anyway, you can leave the hospital now, but before you do, head to the top-right corner of the first floor; there are some stairs down to a basement floor, where you can pick up a Recotab 100 and a Detox Pill.


The next story event won't progress until we (TODO: Figure out what progresses the next story event. Does it happen with the passage of time, or does it happen once you capture more animals? It seemed to happen when Autumn hit, but it also seemed to happen when I caught nine animals).

Since there's not really much to do for the time being, let's capture some animals. There are six different species you can catch in this area:

Animals in this area:
- Crab (northeast of Hospico, usually near the water). Crabs are a great source of strong early-game armor, though you can get slightly better armor by farming Hermit Crabs in the nearby Yama Pit. Crabs can be a bit tough, though.
- Rabbit (northeast of Hospico, near Paraside). Rabbits can range from as low as LVL 3 to LVL 7 and sometimes attack in groups of as many as 5. That's absolutely too strong for you if you're still at LVL 3, so leave them alone until you've leveled up a bit (or gotten Crab/Hermit Crab armor).
- Mole (near Hospico). Moles range from LVL 2 to LVL 6
- Monkey (southeast of Hospico). Monkeys can be as low as LVL 3.
- Stingfish (south of Hospico, in the water). These can be as high as LVL 7 or 8. Sometimes you fight them in small enough groups that you can take them, but just in case, I'd avoid them for now.
- Hermit Crabs (Yama Pit, east of Hospico). Higher-level Hermit Crabs can be tough to damage, but you should spend some time farming female Hermit Crabs for the strong armor you can make from them.

Areas of note:
- Yama Pit: A cave to the east of Hospico. It's a one-room cave that has Hermit Crabs and regular Crabs. Avoid the fights with Crabs if you encounter them as they tend to appear in large groups. However, be sure to take some time to farm Hermit Crabs, since they provide a very good source of armor this early in the game.

After spending some time capturing animals, you should eventually get a voice mail from a character named Director Chen asking you to come to Hospico immediately. So let's go to Hospico.

(Note: At this point in my playthrough on Mode 1, the game had progressed to Autumn 1991.)

Head back to the hospital. There, the doctor outside Linda's room will tell you to fly to Eterna to meet with Elizabeth Green, president of the Elizabeth Green Foundation, about creating a serum called Memorin Z to cure Linda. OBJECTIVE 5: GO TO ETERNA

But where is Eterna, exactly? On the overworld, open the NaviS. You'll note that it's not a listed location on your map of the East Area, but if you press Left to see the map of the North Area, you can see it in the northeast part of the map (J-03).

That's quite a hike, and as you might expect, there are some tough animals in the way. So if you want to fly to Eterna, I don't blame you. Just in case you didn't read the section on Basics (TODO: add this data to Basics), you can fly between towns by going upstairs at any town checkpoint. However, there's one small problem: a flight from Hospico to Eterna costs 410G at the very cheapest. At this point in my playthrough I had 205G, not nearly enough for a flight.

If you want to farm for enough money to fly to Eterna, probably the best creatures you can capture are Crabs; males sell for 36G and females for 20G. Monkeys, Rabbits, and Stingfish aren't bad either. However, if you feel that time isn't particularly of the essence (yet), you can walk there - and capture some new animals on the way.

Take the mountain tunnel back to the W East Area. While you're here, there are a couple of new animals you can pick up as well:

- Squid: If you head north of OzPort, you'll see these swimming in the water. They're quite fast in the water (and deadlier in combat too), but if you lure them to the ground, they'll kinda get stuck and you can easily get an ambush on them.
- Dragonfly: These appear southwest of the Astro Ark in Autumn only (M-16 to N16). If your game has progressed to Autumn by this point, look for these. However, you may want to put away your Dog Blade and pull out your Squirrel Needle for these fights, as you may be too strong to capture them without killing them.
- Dog: These are on the south end of the area (M-18:P-18). Dogs can be VERY tough at this stage in the game; they often attack in packs and are sometimes as high as LVL 10 (I was LVL 7 at this point). However, if you want to take the risk, not only can you add a new animal to the Ark, you can also train one of the dogs you catch to have an additional battle companion for a bit cheaper than buying one outright. Not a bad deal.

While you're up North catching Squid, you may also see a cave called the Nebul Cavity. Ignore it for now; it's too strong for you.

There's also a cave in the South, called Karhagolem. Ignore it for now; it's generally too strong for you, and there isn't anything you need to do here yet.

a. Karhagolem: This is further south.
- Animals: Moles, Dogs, Lizards (can be as high as LVL 12; not recommended)
- Items: 4G (lol), Disposable Tent

b. Nebul Cavity: This is further north, in a mountain wall on the East side.
- Animals: Squid, Crocodiles (LVL 16-18)
- Items: 4G (lol), Disposable Tent

Once you've caught these creatures, head to the wall on the west side (M-11) to take a tunnel through the mountains to the West Area. In this area, there are some new animals:

- Horse: These are just south of Battle Park. Despite being fairly high level for you at this stage, they don't hit very hard, and their Ram attack often hurts them, resulting in them capturing themselves.
- Dolphin: These are usually in or near the sporadic waterways between Battle Park and the mountain tunnel. Like with other aquatic creatures, fight these out of water if you can. However, their levels are usually fairly low, so they're not a huge threat.
- Eagle: Flying over the mountains near Urma. Tougher than Dolphins and arguably Horses as well, but not too brutal.
- Flea: Tiny little dots that appear in the forests between Battle Park and the mountain tunnel. These don't appear in Winter. They have a tendency to multiply, which is way more annoying than it is deadly. Other than that, they're pretty weak and easy, and a pretty good source of experience at this point.
- Otter: LVL 7 to 13. West side of the area. I think these only appear in Summer, or at least non-Winter months. Not too tough.

Locations in this area:
a. Urma: There are numerous cave entrances in this area that are all part of the Urma dungeon.
- Animals: Sunfish (LVL 23), Snake, Stingray, Rhino
- Items: Crocodile Whip (TODO: Plot out how to get this. The entrance is at D-11. Head northeast; it's in a box.), Rhino Armor (just south of this cave, there's another cave)

In the West Area, head to Battle Park, at coordinates (TODO: get coordinates). Head to the East side of the town and find the tunnel to the West Area.

(Note: At this point in my playthrough, the season had progressed to Winter. However, I also spent some time in Karhagolem.)

In this area, the creatures you encounter will depend on the season. If it's Winter, you'll encounter the following:

- Polar Bear: These appear all over the frozen lake, as well as the peninsula in the far Northeast (past the towns). Avoid these for now; they hit like a truck.
- Penguin: These appear all over the frozen lake. They're not too tough and they tend to run away a lot, but they attack in large groups and have some nasty ice attacks. Still, it might be worth taking the risk to capture a few of them.
- Goat: These appear in the Northwest. They hit pretty hard, and they can also summon numerous Weasels into the fight, which are also pretty tough. These are too deadly for you to fight right now, but you'll need to fight them (very) soon.
- Weasel: These appear almost identical to trees on the overworld, except they move at you when you get close. Not terribly tough, but sometimes they attack in large groups and they have a poison gas attack.

If it's still Autumn (or somehow, Spring), you'll encounter the following:

- Hippo: TODO
- Tree Frog: TODO
- Turtle: TODO
Locations in this area:

- Xoth: L-06. Ignore it. There isn't anything here for you right now.
- Tortugos: F-04. Absolutely too deadly for you right now.
- Underworld: E-02. Ignore it. There's nothing to do here right now.
- Koshikata: On your map. An abandoned town. Ignore it for now as well.
- Spurr Valley: On your map. Ignore this for now, but you'll want to come back here later.
- Eterna: This is where we need to go!

Anyway, navigate across (or ideally, around) the pond to Eterna. At the back of the town, there's a huge manor; go there. Head north past the dead trees, and head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, talk to the Santa guarding the door, who will let you in to meet President Green. She'll tell you to expect a call from someone named Panheim.

If you need to heal, head to the first floor of the manor and to the East, where a Santa will hand out free Pig Franks (you can only get one at a time, but after you use it you can keep getting more). Head out of the manor, but before you leave Eterna, head to the far Northeast corner and go into the sewer. In the hallway, head down the long hall to the East; eventually you'll come across two treasure chests that contain a Sheep Sweater and a Jellyfish Stinger, both of which are probably better than your current equipment.

Now head out of Eterna and walk to Spurr Valley next door. After walking around for a bit, you should get a call from Panheim. He should ask you to go to A-01 and hunt down "a few" Goats (really, he only needs one) and retrieve their Filets to make Memorin Z. He will call you again shortly after to warn you that Goats are tough (to be fair, they probably are for you right now).


If you need to grind for levels, a decent area to do so is in front of Battle Park, where the Horses are pretty reasonable to fight. You can also try battling Penguins in this area. You can also go back to the Ark and register any animals you haven't yet registered to get some stat bonuses.

Once you're satisfied with your level, head to A-01 and hunt some Goats. As mentioned earlier, you only need one Goat Filet for the objective, but be sure to get a male and female Goat for your Ark as well. Once you've captured the goats, head to Spurr Valley to turn a Goat into a Filet, and then bring it to Elizabeth Green. Panheim will be there, and you'll give him the Goat Filet; he'll then tell you the serum won't be ready for another half a year. That gives you time to catch more animals!

It's not a bad idea to head back to the Ark and register any animals you have. On your way back, you should receive a call from your mom, telling you that Linda is doing better and that you should go see her. So go and see Linda in Hospico after dropping off your animals at the Ark. Once you've talked to Linda, you've got some time to kill until Memorin Z is ready.


To the far Southeast of Hospico, look for a cave in a mountain around W-17. This should lead to a place called Marblopolis. Proceed north and west around the corner, and take either staircase. From here, head West until you see a pool of water; there should be a path leading North, with a large square stone blocking an entrance to a room. You can push it out of the way, but as soon as you stop pushing, you'll initiate an encounter with Earthworms. Despite their high level, Earthworms are actually quite easy, and are also great for experience.

If you head North into the room, you should see several similar stone squares. Pushing any of these will similarly initiate an encounter with Earthworms. This only happens once per block, but it resets once you re-enter the room (which you can do easily at the staircase in the center). Feel free to spend some time here farming Earthworms for experience. Camping can be a bit hazardous since your camp will often be ambushed by Chickens, but you can head upstairs to rest if you need to. (it's also an easy way to encounter Chickens for your Ark; they're not worth much otherwise. You'll see Chickens running around in this room., but they're tough to catch for encounters.)

You can easily reach at least LVL 20 just from fighting Earthworms here.

Once you've gotten a sufficient amount of level ups, leave here, and head to OzPort, but don't go in. Instead, go north of OzPort and head to Nebul Cavity, the cave to the North (along the East wall).

When you enter Nebul Cavity, head East and look for a set of stairs on the South wall. Take these stairs, then head South and look for another set of stairs in the Southwest corner. In this room is an enormous water pit. Crabs sometimes spawn here, but what we're looking for are two new creatures:

- Crocodile: Now that you're at level 20+, these creatures shouldn't pose a threat to you. They should be easy to capture.
- Giblet: You'll have the reverse problem with Giblets; at your level, they can be too easy to kill. Try fighting them bare-handed, or using weak Skills like Fireworks, Air Cutter, and Sonic Wave; bringing low-level Dogs to the fight may also help.

Once you've captured two of these creatures, take the stairs in the middle of this room. Keep following the path until you take some stairs up, and then continue down the next room until you enter a doorway.

Now you're in a secret town called Nebul! We're not actually going to do much here, though. Instead, head along the South wall to the East until you reach another doorway. Continue down this path to another exit, and now you're outside again.

In this area, we can find the following creatures:
- Dog
- Impala: These guys have kinda high HP and can sometimes be hard to hit, and their damage is reasonable. Still, they shouldn't pose a huge threat.
- Rhino: Big guys! They may seem menacing, but they're actually a pushover. Not any tougher than the Impalas.
- TODO: Figure out other animals in other seasons.

On the east wall, there is a cave. You can find more animals in here.

- Wolf: LVL 14 to 17. About as tough as Impalas and Rhinos.
- Lion: LVL 14 to 22. Their difficulty varies similarly. Either way, they shouldn't be too tough. They're a good catch, too. The Lion weapon is one of the strongest you can get so far, the Lion armor is respectable, and Lions sell for a lot of money (though you may not need much, depending on how many Earthworms you captured and sold).
- Peacock: Some of the blue flowers in the secret flower room are actually Peacocks.

In the secret flower room, fyou can find a Beastman Necklace and an Escape Device.

By now, you've probably gotten a call from Panheim telling you that Memorin Z is ready. Let's head back to Eterna.

At this point in the story, it was Fall 1992 for me.


Go back to Eterna. On the way inside, you'll encounter the Santa with the mask, who will ask you again about Room 102, giving you the hint "back yard".

Go into the manor and talk to Elizabeth Green. Panheim will be there, and he will give you Memorin Z.

Now go back to Hospico. When you get to Linda's room, she won't be there; the nurse will insist she just left with you and Director Chen to the "back yard". Leave the hospital, go all the way to the West wall, and go North, past the Catfish in the pens. Follow this path as it turns East, as the grass gives way to dirt and weeds.

Director Chen will be blocking a door to a shack, and ask you for Memorin Z. Ken will hand it over. Chen will immediately run away and call the Rangers.

Enter the shack; you'll see a staircase to the left. Go down the stairs and follow the hall to the left. After a short walk, you'll see Linda and an animated cutscene will play. The masked Santa will reveal himself as Nek, your long-lost twin, and put a knife in Linda's hands to frame her for murdering a man whose dead body is in the cell (who Nek claims is your father). Nek will leave just as the Rangers arrive.

The game will jump to Hardia, where the Ranger Captain talks with you for a bit. He'll then get a call that Linda has broken out of jail and killed two Rangers. He'll ask you to go look for her.


Head to Koshikata, get the storage key, catch a male Catfish, try to catch a female Catfish. Storage key is used in (TODO: Where? I think in OzPort?)



B. Scenario B

C. Scenario C

D. Scenario D


IV. Locations

A. Towns

1. OzPort
2. Minago
B. Hostile Areas

Spurr Marina creatures:
- Jellyfish. Camp in the acid while Watching and you'll fight these. Not too tough, despite their high HP.
- Bat. Camp, apparently.
- Frog. I found them in 1F, but in a different 1F than the one you enter at.
- Sheep. These are all over the place.
- Bear. LVL 18-20.Found in B3. They look like rocks. Hits like a truck if you come here too early.
- Pond Skater. B2, on the acid.

- RecoTab 100
- Cover Spray
- Worn Shoes
- Blue Bellflower

Llina's Tower (north of East Area)

- 623G (basement behind Yellow door)
- 21G (red door path, before teleporter
- Everything here is money. it sucks.

- Hornets (on the roof)
- Moths (on the roof, in Spring only I think?)

Shehnai (west side of S North Area; mountains)
Animals: Flea, Tanuki, Octopus, Moth
Items: Beastman Necklace, Big Bullion, 1800G, Champion Belt, Nothing (Scenario A)

- Worn Shoes

Tortuga animals:
- Fox
- Turtle (LVL 17 to 20)
- Seal (LVL 15 to 21):
- Sea Lion (LVL 18 to 26): TOUGH customers. They hit hard, the males have lots of HP, and you almost always fight them in large groups (~7).
- You can also get Turtle Eggs here (I think)
C. Other



V. Shops
This section will have information about all of the different types of shops in the game, including which towns to find them in.

a. Equipment Shops

b. Dog training

c. Veterinarian

d. Crafting

e. Butchers

f. Hotels

g. Bars

h. Other shops
These are shops that are not common to every town in the game, but only exist in specific towns.

i. Lottery
This exists in OzPort.



VI. Items
Where to find every item in the game, and what they do.

a. Equipment
b. Consumables
c. Key Items



VII. Animals
Need to include where/when to find each animals, which scenarios they appear in, etc.



VIII. Special Thanks
- EsperKnight, Cargodin, and anyone else involved in the Linda Cubed Again English translation patch
- LergiOfficial on Reddit, who posted a Google Doc of the animal locations on Reddit. There are a few I found through his doc that I never would have found through casual play (such as the Pelican, Maggot, or Kangaroo)
- Ivantod, for his Linda Cubed Let's Play on
